Teams 2023
The table below shows registered Paddlers and their Teams for the TRENT100 - 2023 - (UPDATED 11/7/23)
First name | Last name | Team |
Jennie | Turnbull | Cabin Boozers |
Robyn | Burrows | Cabin Boozers |
Mark | Millwood | Cabin Boozers |
Jonathan | Wood | Cabin Bruisers |
David | Randel | Cabin Bruisers |
James | Carter | Cabin Bruisers |
Nigel | Garrood | Cabin Bruisers |
Simmone | Bristow | Cabin Cruisers |
Victoria | Legge | Cabin Cruisers |
Claire | Edwards | Cabin Cruisers |
Nocka | Tyers | Central SUP 1 |
Jimmy | Rea | Central SUP 1 |
Nathan | Ware | Central SUP 1 |
Niki | Dent | Central SUP 2 |
Lorna | Foley | Central SUP 2 |
Dave | Scott | Central SUP 2 |
Nick | Bromley | Central SUP 2 |
Ryan | Weir | Central SUP 2 |
David | Fathers | Central SUP 2 |
Gary | Evans | Central SUP 2 |
Lara | Wilkes | Chellyfish |
Mark | Wilkes | Chellyfish |
Sarah | Wilson | Chellyfish |
Alex | Wilson | Chellyfish |
Russell | Drewery | Cool Runnings |
Hannah | Stockdale | Cool Runnings |
Mick | Griffin | Cool Runnings |
Karen | Millar | Cool Runnings |
Devon | Cumberland | Dittons |
Anya | Williamson | Dittons |
Ed | Milnes | Dittons |
Jo | Burne | Dittons |
Jo | Kellard | Dittons Dolphins |
Vicky | Parsons | Dittons Dolphins |
Rich | Sage | Dittons Dolphins |
Tim | Scott | Dittons Dolphins |
earl | peacock | Dittons Dolphins |
Glenn | Clifford | Dittons Dolphins |
james | Moore |
Don’t take the PSI
Emma | Harris |
Don’t take the PSI
Jack | Mcdermott |
Don’t take the PSI
Katherine | Terry | Dorset Drifters |
Louise | Crowe | Dorset Drifters |
Helen | Murphy | Dorset Drifters |
Lucy | Biddulph | Dorset Drifters |
Amy | Dunmore |
Faff with a Vengence
Glyn | Smith |
Faff with a Vengence
Victoria | Priest |
Faff with a Vengence
Fiona | Wassell | For SUP Sake |
John | Barnfield | For SUP Sake |
Robin | Smith | For SUP Sake |
Steve | Laws | For SUP Sake |
Sarah | Bromfield | For SUP Sake |
John | Packer | Gerbil SUP |
Andy | Scott | Gerbil SUP |
Gavin | Mason | Gerbil SUP |
Emma | Jones |
Gladiator Saltbirds
Gary | Willingham |
Gladiator Saltbirds
David | Stransky |
Gladiator Saltbirds
Shanna | Derwin |
Gladiator Saltbirds
Jo | Langley |
Gladiator Saltbirds
Jo | Cudmore |
Gladiator Saltbirds
Sancha | Myall |
Gladiator Saltbirds
Chris | Oakes |
Gladiator Saltbirds
Caroline | Mattock | Hawaii 5-0 |
Luther | Mattock | Hawaii 5-0 |
Andy | Field | Hawaii 5-0 |
Roger | Merrick | Hawaii 5-0 |
Sally | Field | Hawaii 5-0 |
Philip | Andrew | Island SUP |
Mrs K J Newbrook | Newbrook | Island SUP |
Tamsin | Miles | Island SUP |
Fran | Watkin | Island SUP |
Isabelle | Peterkin | Kingfishers |
Malcolm | Piper | Kingfishers |
Lynne | Hawthorne | Kingfishers |
Karen | Holloway | Kingfishers |
Kasia | Stunt | Kingfishers |
Amy | Watson | Kingfishers |
Cat | Sawyer |
Liverpool SUP Sloths
Jazmin | Seddon |
Liverpool SUP Sloths
Laura | Williams |
Liverpool SUP Sloths
Jayne | Rigby |
Liverpool SUP Sloths
Michaela | Carmody |
Liverpool SUP Sloths
Nicola | Park |
Mid Cheshire SUP
Helen | Kirby |
Mid Cheshire SUP
Richard | Cooke |
Mid Cheshire SUP
Maxine | Cooke |
Mid Cheshire SUP
Marc | Wade | Moxie |
Chris | Lambert | Moxie |
Alan | Campbell | Moxie |
Rachel | Hanney | Moxie |
Colin | Todd | Moxie |
Sasha | Chisholm | Moxie |
Alicia | Goodchild |
Nene Water Boarders
Matt | Goodchild |
Nene Water Boarders
Diddi | Hill |
Nene Water Boarders
Jan | Szandala |
Nene Water Boarders
Gemma | Scarborough |
Nene Water Boarders
Alison | Rennie |
Northwest Paddleboarders
Allistair | Swinsco |
Northwest Paddleboarders
Samantha | Largan |
Paddleboarding events UK
Lesley | Robinson |
Paddleboarding events UK
David | Roberts |
Paddleboarding events UK
Samm | Pawley |
PC Brigade (Power/Curtis)
Paul | Curtis |
PC Brigade (Power/Curtis)
Vanessa | Curtis |
PC Brigade (Power/Curtis)
Martin | Power |
PC Brigade (Power/Curtis)
Selina | Wagner | Piece o’ Piss |
Ronald | Parker | Piece o’ Piss |
Russell | Henry | Piece o’ Piss |
Geraldine | Henry | Piece o’ Piss |
Jillian | Crangle | Piece o’ Piss |
Kim | David | Piece o’ Piss |
Ian | Jarvis |
Plymouth Paddleboarders
Paul | Hooper |
Plymouth Paddleboarders
Annabelle | Yates |
Plymouth Paddleboarders
Phil | Osmond |
Plymouth Paddleboarders
Jess | Land |
Plymouth paddleboarders
Matt | Brookes | Sav’s heroes |
Miles | Nettleship | Sav’s heroes |
Saviour | Aquilina | Sav’s heroes |
Vanessa | Knowles | Sav’s heroes |
Gregory | Adams | Sav’s Heroes |
Marcus | Whitticombe | Shall We? |
Michael | Cook | Shall We? |
Sue | Wheeler | Shall We? |
Neil | Whittemore | Shall We? |
Marcus | Roberts | Shall We? |
Anna | Tombs | Shall We? |
Sarah | Vernau |
Shizzle My Nizzle
Shizzle My Nizzle
Verity | Butler |
Shizzle My Nizzle
Stephen | Butler |
Shizzle My Nizzle
Samantha | Gascoigne |
Shizzle My Nizzle
Richard | Swift |
Shizzle My Nizzle
John | Cassidy |
Shizzle My Nizzle
Paul | Buckle |
Shizzle My Nizzle
Jane | Zak |
Slippery When Wet
Jo | Davis |
Slippery When Wet
Maxine | Cooper |
Slippery When Wet
Abigail | Orton |
Slippery When Wet
kirsty | stark | Social SUPpers |
Deke | Moran | Social SUPpers |
Louise | Espley | Social SUPpers |
Mark | Rigby |
Something SUP With Us
Andrew | Hancock |
Something SUP With Us
Helen | Matthews |
Something SUP With Us
Cathy | Hudlass |
Something SUP With Us
Maria | Acosta |
Something SUP With Us
Leon | Sheppard |
Something SUP With Us
Jackie | Morgan |
Something SUP With Us
Robin | Matthews |
Stand and Deliver
Steve | Hills |
Stand and Deliver
Steve | Durnford |
Stand and Deliver
Ann | Rutherford |
Stand and Deliver
Jen | Randall |
Stop Talking Its Ruining Your Face
Simon | Clarkson |
Stop Talking Its Ruining Your Face
Mike | McDonald |
Stop Talking Its Ruining Your Face
Phill | Jobling |
SUP Huntingdon
Christian | Long |
SUP Huntingdon
Gemma | Palmer-Dighton |
SUP Huntingdon
Simon | Coles | SUP4some |
Estelle | Carter | SUP4some |
Robert | Mead | SUP4some |
Orla | Brady | SUP4some |
Jennifer | Moorhouse | SUPerheroes |
Clare | Usher | SUPerheroes |
Jonathan | Hulbert | SUPerheroes |
Lynda | Harper | SUPerheroes |
Scott | Warley | SUPerheroes |
Fabio | Barbosa | Sussex Suppers |
Stephen | Pearson | Sussex Suppers |
Mark | Chambers | Sussex Suppers |
alex | ayling | Sussex Suppers |
Kevin | Elliott | Sussex Suppers |
Mark | Walsh | Tay Titans |
Michael | Hammond | Tay Titans |
Steve | Haden | Tay Titans |
Lucinda | Mason | Tay Titans |
Dave | Ashall | Tay Titans |
Rebecca | Garwood | Team Jackson |
Michelle | Lane | Team Jackson |
Daniel | Hall | Team Jackson |
Lara | Small | Team Plonka |
Sarah | Hunt | Team Plonka |
Sarah | Whittington | Team Plonka |
d | oshea | Team Plonka |
Kiran | Raval | Team Princess |
Anthony | Jones | Team Princess |
James | Grant | Team Princess |
Russell | Farrington | Team Princess |
Grant | Bristow | Team SHAC |
Michaela | Afford | Team SHAC |
Paul | Davids | Team SHAC |
Lian | Simmonds |
The 3 SUPeteers
Fabienne | Paul |
The 3 SUPeteers
Suzi | Andre |
The 3 SUPeteers
Sophie | Denton | The Fintastic 4 |
Chris | Deakins | The Fintastic 4 |
mirko | buzzelli | The Fintastic 4 |
Noemie | Simonet | The Fintastic 4 |
Peter | Kellett | The Floaters |
Coralie | Farren | The Floaters |
Matthew | Goddard | The Floaters |
Adam | Gewargis | Think Tank |
Matthew | Beckitt | Think-Tank |
Steve | Guest | Think-Tank |
Mark | Harrison | Trent100 1 |
Jamie | hutchinson | Trent100 1 |
Matthew | Knight | Trent100 1 |
William | Heslop | Trent100 1 |
Alison | Snell | Trent100 1 |
Claire | Simmonds | Trent100 1 |
david | partridge | Trent100 2 |
Portia | Malik | Trent100 2 |
bruce | Dunton | Trent100 2 |
jamie | Short | Trent100 2 |
Katrine | McPherson-Kelly | Trent100 2 |
Mike | Jensen | Vikings |
Casper | Steinfath | Vikings |
Søren | Søndergaard | Vikings |
Tanja | Mcconville |
West Coast Misfits
Fiona | Kearsley |
West Coast Misfits
Martin | Kerr |
West Coast Misfits
Angela | Kerr |
West Coast Misfits
Jennifer | Ng-Armstrong |
West Coast Misfits
Duncan | Hepplewhite |
West Coast Misfits
Emma | Hepplewhite |
West Coast Misfits
Lee | Reynolds | Wet & Easy. |
Lace | Marshall | Wet & Easy. |
Claire | Burgess | Wet & Easy. |
Laura | Rees | Wet & Easy. |
Altan | Omer | What SUP Doc |
Anthony | Blacker | What SUP Doc |
Shaun | Povey | What SUP Doc |
Rebecca | Davoile | What SUP Doc |
Phil | Sparkes | ZRO FKS GVN |
Simon | Webster | ZRO FKS GVN |
Dayna | Lowe | ZRO FKS GVN |